pw-link ####### ------------------------- The PipeWire Link Command ------------------------- :Manual section: 1 :Manual group: General Commands Manual SYNOPSIS ======== | **pw-link** [*options*] -o|-i|-l [*out-pattern*] [*in-pattern*] | **pw-link** [*options*] *output* *input* | **pw-link** [*options*] -d *output* *input* | **pw-link** [*options*] -d *link-id* DESCRIPTION =========== List, create and destroy links between PipeWire ports. COMMON OPTIONS ============== -r | --remote=NAME The name the *remote* instance to monitor. If left unspecified, a connection is made to the default PipeWire instance. -h | --help Show help. --version Show version information. LISTING PORTS AND LINKS ======================= Specify one of -o, -i or -l to list the matching optional input and output ports and their links. -o | --output List output ports -i | --input List output ports -l | --links List links -m | --monitor Monitor links and ports. **pw-link** will not exit but monitor and print new and destroyed ports or links. -I | --id List IDs. Also list the unique link and port ids. -v | --verbose Verbose port properties. Also list the port-object-path and the port-alias. CONNECTING PORTS ================ Whithout any list option (-i, -o or -l), the given ports will be linked. Valid port specifications are: *port-id* As obtained with the -I option when listing ports. *node-name:port-name* As obtained when listing ports. *port-object-path* As obtained from the first alternative name for the port when listing them with the -v option. *port-alias* As obtained from the second alternative name for the ports when listing them with the -v option. Extra options when linking can be given: -L | --linger Linger. Will create a link that exists after **pw-link** is destroyed. This is the default behaviour, unless the -m option is given. -P | --passive Passive link. A passive link will keep both nodes it links inactive unless another non-passive link is activating the nodes. You can use this to link a sink to a filter and have them both suspended when nothing else is linked to either of them. -p | --props=PROPS Properties as JSON object. Give extra properties when creaing the link. DISCONNECTING PORTS =================== When the -d option is given, an existing link between port is destroyed. To disconnect port, a single *link-id*, as obtained when listing links with the -I option, or two port specifications can be given. See the connecting ports section for valid port specifications. -d | --disconnect Disconnect ports EXAMPLES ======== **pw-link** -iol List all port and their links. **pw-link** -lm List all links and monitor changes until **pw-link** is stopped. **pw-link** paplay:output_FL alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo:playback_FL Link the given output port to the input port. **pw-link** -lI List links and their Id. **pw-link** -d 89 Destroy the link with id 89. AUTHORS ======= The PipeWire Developers <@PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@>; PipeWire is available from @PACKAGE_URL@ SEE ALSO ======== ``pipewire(1)``, ``pw-cli(1)``,